Freeze shield Lay Z Spa. How it Works ?
The pump needs to be connected to electricity and Hot Tub needs to be turned on and filter running. Heater kicks on automatically to 10 degrees and then leaves it to drop to 5 degrees then heater kicks on again.
It needs power to work and filter has to be running. No electric, no freeze shield.

Lay‑Z‑Spa's pioneering Freeze Shield™ technology lets you use your hot tub all year round. We designed this special feature to prevent water from freezing in your hot tub so you that can safely use your hot tub all year round, even when the ambient air temperature drops below 6°C.A Lay‑Z‑Spa pump with Freeze Shield™ intelligently monitors the ambient air temperature to ensure the pump stays operational, even in the coldest of conditions. It automatically increases water circulation and heats up to 10°C when outside temperatures drop below 6°C. This prevents the water from freezing and causing damage to the pipes or liner.This cost‑effective feature means that you don’t have to keep any constant heat in your hot tub during the colder months and you don’t have to pack your hot tub away if you are not using it regularly.